May 9, 2013

Meetups Week

I don't have much of a blog worthy post to share but these are just some of the things that kept me busy lately


Started the morning with work till 3pm.
Then met up with the two girls to go hunt for our grad outfit, though I already got mine awhile back. 


So I had work on Sunday as well. Working full-shift just kills a little of my brain cells each time. Thus, I devoted my night to sleep and the next day with slow activities. This may sound weird but I love the advantage of being  so tired. I will always fall asleep within seconds and I get a more refreshed sleep. It's like a total reset for me.

Of course it doesn't apply to when I have work the next day as well.

Spent half the day at home waiting for ikea furnitures to arrive and the other half at the airport with dinner and tea time.


Half-shift work that day. Quite pleased that there's a shower at my workplace with water heater and body wash as well. The shower was heavenly with the wardrobe area being fully air conditioned. 
Cause I was early & the wardrobe toilet was empty, I happily re-did my makeup.

Also, cause I had my hair in a braid that day, a colleague told me that I look like Fiona in shrek. Another one, kept tugging onto my hair & telling me he wants to cut my hair for me everytime he sees me. I think he secretly wants long hair too. 

Anyway, after that I met up with my friends. Like a more full-scaled one.
There was Jacob & Nizar but they left earlier.

Is it like cheating that I'm basically just taking the photos I posted on instagram? 
 Here's an un-instagramed photo:
Nice seeing the others especially the guys whom I've not seen in a while. Well except for anu whom we met a few days before Tuesday.

I think I've been pretty present in my meetups lately. I'm usually that person who disappears during the holidays back when in school. Quite proud of myself for being more outgoing. Actually cause I'm usually from work & I don't want to go home yet. That probably reduced the lazy factor off. 
So maybe I'm not that outgoing afterall...

Day off for the next three days. & apparently my work place doesn't need me to work next week. Of all the 4 days that I put down for availabilities, I only got one day to work. Seriously? Might as well just put me out the schedule and ask me to quit right. Suddenly so angsty.

Time to have my bedtime read and sleep.

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