Aug 29, 2014


Oh my gosh. Hi guys. It's been a long long time. I'm guilty for being away for so long. The main reason why I stopped writing regularly was because my laptop got really really slow. Like literally every move I make on my trackpad, the rainbow wheel just starts spinning. So I couldn't imagine the thought of having to open the browser, login, write, upload. It would take forever lol.

I already got my laptop fixed ( I hope). So now that we've covered that part of my life,  I have so much more to update in just a span of two months.

First up,  S c h o o l

Early this year, I enrolled myself into Professional Communications in SIM RMIT. I'm not sure if I would like this course then cause I've never had any background experience prior to joining this course. I began my school journey in July & dang the first 2 weeks were intense. Because the two weeks were taught by an Australian RMIT lecturer, it was pretty much a quick crash course. In 2 weeks, we were done with one module.

Now I only have schools for 3-4 days per week with only 3 hours each class. Yep definitely living the life right now.

SIM has a pretty nice rooftop to take great photographs

& meet my classmate, Elsa! Someone familiar yaaa

I also enrolled myself into a hostel. Before you go all, 'but its so expensive' 'but you only have 3 days of school', I have my reason on why I did what I did.

Mainly cause I've always been curious on how life in the dorm is like. And cause this will be my last time studying and being a student. I'm not planning to further my studies anymore so I'll never be a student anymore & plus I'll get older. I just wanted to get the full 'College experience', even though I'm still in Singapore. It's like being abroad but not abroad since I'm like in an entirely different neighbourhood. It's almost like being in a different country. Plus it's nearer to my school, so win win.

I've been here (typing away on my hostel bed as we speak) for about a month now & I love it here. The facilities are not great, good won't even cut it, pantry is horrible, the fridge is too full and a million other things I could complain about. But my roommates are awesome. I always forget that we're friends for only a month lol. But they're the best! & plus I'm meeting a lot of people from all over the world here.

Next up, celebrated N a t i o n a l d a y with bae. Lol sorry, I cringed a little when I typed the 'bae'. 
I've not been to a National day parade for a longgg time. Think the last time was when we had the Primary 5  NDP preview. That day was awesome. 

This year's ndp was somehow a little disappointing. Maybe partly cause ours was probably the first preview.

I then got back to W o r k
Yes, I have two jobs now (going three). & no it's not as crazy as it might seem. 
People raise their brows when I tell them I have 2 jobs, lol. Eversince I worked in Starbucks, I started to cherish the amount of breaks I get when I'm working in uss. In uss, I could have 3 hours worth of break combined in one day while in Starbucks I only had 30 mins break for lunch and everything else.

A ton of people asked me which job I preferred. I honestly don't really have an answer. Both jobs has it's pros and cons. The reason why I'm still a barista is cause I do actually like making coffee and funny thing is that I do enjoy being a cashier girl as well. Here I am in for 6 months, didn't think I would even last for a week lol. Though it's gonna be 6 months and leaving soon. Love the job but for ending every shift feeling so drained and gone for minimum wage, this can't go on.

Back to being a servant of shrek & donkey. & I'm not complaining.

When I'm gone from this job, I'm gonna miss my Double tall Iced Caramel Machiatto 3.5 pumps vanilla syrup. The above picture I tried soy & didn't like it.

P e r s o n a l

I got a haircut! & a few weeks later I got my hair lightened. It was supposed to be grey but, yea....
we'll just leave it at that

It's now brassy yellow

F a m i l y & F r i e n d s

Had an open house at my place. So I got to see a bunch of my family members and cousins :)

Met up with my friends

My girls <3
& a friend's commissioning parade. aww, we all look so graduated in the picture. Don't ask me what I meant by graduated. It just sounds right.

Anyway school tomorrow & a gathering with the colleagues afterwards!

Happy TGIF & Goodnight!

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