12th April | Saturday
ahh, sorry I've been away for far too long. yet again. I've been so mentally & emotionally tired. The way the adults I talk to are less tired, it makes me pretty weak. I'm taking the time off this week to sleep well, workout & clean my room. I only have a day's of work which was yesterday & I'm free! For now.
So a little recap back to 12th April. I went to my first run ever! *strikes off my NY resolution* It wasn't a competitive run, so it was fun. To be honest, the supposedly 5km run didn't even feel like one. Felt more like a 2km. I don't know, probably cause I was fully entertained with my awesome peeps by my side.
My OOTD for that day!
heheh prepping to wear our tattoos
& there you have it. Gangsters for the day!
All geared up to run with them glowsticks, tattoos, neon shorts & body crayons!
PHOTOBOMBED! By a bunch of strangers! hahaha, that was fun!
Then we were like "what? we finished the race already?"
AFTER PARTAYYYY! Someone's having too much fun at the party
One of the best parts was photobombing this guy who photobombed us & then we ran and screamed through the crowd. Oh wait, the best part was running past a bunch of people from outside putting their hands out & hi-5-ing every one of them. I felt like a star :3
Well, was it worth $78? Probably not. But with a bunch of great people, it didn't matter. Heck, I actually think I sweated more at the after party more than running itself. A lot of people were walking lol. I didn't like the songs they were playing. It was repeated tons of times & the songs were remixed too much to a point where it sounded more like club songs.
Though the fun part was having everyone throwing lightsticks at the 'drop' of every song.
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